0 0 0 1 0 classic 1 FFFFFF 1 1 20 3 0xC4C4FF 0 MM:SS 1 1 Arial 0x000000 OK Important This action is not allowed by the default Flash Player security settings when the content is played from a hard drive or CD. Once the content is moved to a web server, it should function as expected, and you should not see this message. For other distribution methods, or to understand how the Flash Player security settings affect this content, please see the "Flash Player Security" topic in the Camtasia Studio help file. 0 Stop 800 570 800 570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0xA4A4A4 0xC0C0C0 10 solid 0x000000 _sans 12 none left none 0 0x000000 0x000000 0 0 223.60 SS_07_05.swf 15 0 Normal 0 0.00 0 30 SS_07_05_PIP.flv 0