
Welcome to LearnScratch

This site is dedicated to the students and teachers who want to learn Scratch.


(To receive a free copy DVD with all the video-tutorials and materials in this website, please submit the mailing address of your school or institution through the 'Contact Us' link.)

Visit this site and learn how Scratch can impact the skills of your students.

Then, select one of these three video-courses:

Scratch 1: Getting Started


Scratch 2: Programing in Scratch


Scratch 3: Scratch Projects


“As more and more people start using Scratch, there is a great need for more tutorials and support materials. This site is a great example of how members of the Scratch community can contribute back to the community." Mitchel Resnick, Director of the Lifelong Kindergarten Research Group and the Scratch Team, MIT.


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Scratch 3
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