Home arrow Unit 2 arrow Lesson 11

Lesson 11 - Pen Size, Shade, Stamp

Objective: To learn how to control the size of the pen, the shade of its color, and how to produce stamp effects. 


Tutorial Part 1: Changing Shades

Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment with the controls of the glide movements.


Tutorial Part 2: Changing Pen Size

Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by exploring the range of vertical and horizontal coordinates.


Tutorial Part 3: Stamping Effects

Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by exploring the range of vertical and horizontal coordinates.



Experiment by changing the size of the pen as it draws circles and rectangles.

Experiment by changing the shade of the color of the pen as it draws circles and rectangles.

Experiment by performing stamping effects as those seen in the tutorials.

Experiment by addind sound effects to the previous programs.

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