Home arrow Unit 4 arrow Lesson 19

Lesson 19 - Using the Timer and Volume

Objective: To learn how to know the current value of the timer in seconds, and to reset the timer, and volume of the sounds detected in the microphone input. 


Tutorial Part 1: Using the Timer

Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial. 


Tutorial Part 2: Checking the Volume

Scratch Activity: Reproduce the actions in the tutorial. Experiment by modifying the settings and parameters used in the tutorial. 



Experiment by resetting the timer each time a moving sprite bounces off the edge.

Experiment by microphone to move forward a sprite.

Experiment by using the timer to measure the time it takes a sprite to move around the edges of the stage.

Experiment by using the microphone to change the color of the sprite.

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